Monday, October 8, 2012

Resources for Assistive Technologies

This link is to a site that describes a program called CReATE which refurbishes assistive technology related to mobility and makes it available to people with disabilities at a lower cost.  This would be a beneficial site to teachers because if they knew of a student of low-income in their class who needed this kind of support, they could refer them to this program and possibly give them access to a technology that they would need to succeed.  The site also provides a link for donating assistive technology which would be good for people who may have purchased new equipment and were considering throwing away their old technologies because it could be recycled and end up benefiting another person who may not have had access to brand new and costly products.

This link is to a blog that provides more information and news on assistive technology.  On the page I viewed it had information regarding classes on how to better use this technology depending on a person with disability's needs and also news regarding people who have succeeded in different areas with the help of assistive technology.  I feel it would not only be beneficial to students with disabilities but also their families, teachers, and school staff who may be looking for more information or for ways that they can get involved to support the student.

This link was to a pamphlet entitled "Family Guide to Assistive Technology."  Although it is intended for families of students with disabilities  I think it would also be very beneficial to teachers because of the detailed information that it provides.  As a teacher, it is important to know what a family is experiencing and what they know about a situation and by reading this article most teachers would probably have a better idea of the family situation of a student who needs assistive technology.  It also has some case studies of students that  would help a teacher relate to the students in their classroom and understand what they might need and how the teacher could help.  In setting up the best learning environment for the student needing assistive technology, this article would be beneficial to any teacher who is interested.

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